Disgraced GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Gets 11 Months In Prison

Former GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter was sentenced to 11 months for illegally using campaign money for personal purposes and criminal conspiracy.

California Republican former Congressman Duncan Hunter has fallen from grace with a resounding thud. He faced a 60 count indictment for a variety of crimes, including misuse of campaign finance and conspiracy. He pleaded guilty and then resigned 5 days later. He used the funds to pay for numerous affairs and family vacations.

Hunter pleaded guilty in August 2018 to a sole count of felony conspiracy, one of (!!) 60 counts (!!) that he was initially charged with. He also pleaded guilty to misusing $150,000 of campaign funds, although the initial indictment addresses $250,000.

Hunter faced up to 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, although he ended up getting sentenced to significantly less when he was sentenced on Tuesday in San Diego, CA. The sentencing guidelines recommend 8 to 14 months, so this sentence is right in the middle. His wife, who was involved in many of the same crimes, will be sentenced on April 7th. Hunter barely won re-election in 2018, with just 51.7% of the vote. Not shockingly, Hunter's lawyers asked for house arrest (snort). Hunter must report to prison on May 29th.

Twitter responded:

Enjoy prison, Duncan.

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