Fox 'News' Anchors Weirdly Enamored Of Bipartisanship Since COVID-19

Hegseth and crew seem in favor of the GOP working with Democrats to fight a global pandemic. What's up with that?

Like a newborn baby who has found their hands, Fox "News" anchors seem to have found a fascination and admiration with the concept of bipartisanship and its benefits. Pete Hegseth, Jedediah Bila, and Todd Piro were discussing the bills in Congress meant to bring relief to the nation suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic, and they had nothing but praise for, at least, the mood they perceived on Capitol Hill.

HEGSETH: Speaking of something you can't really figure out later, these bills on Capitol Hill that are moving forward, that are supposed to give stimulus to people who are hurting right now, well, the Senate negotiators, they are going to meet again today after working through the night, as they should, but missing the deadline they were supposed to reach for a coronavirus stimulus bill. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell believes the vote will be tomorrow guys. What do you make of how Capitol Hill handling this right now?

BILA: Yeah, I mean, they need to come together. Actually, the president was talking about that, about how this isn't a time to be Republican or Democrat. This is a time to come together and defeat a common enemy. Let's take a listen to what he had to say and then we can talk about it.

[short Trump video montage played]

BILA: Yeah, I mean, that's reassuring. I hope that is actually what's going on behind the scenes. And it always leaves, when you look at times of tragedy or crisis and you see the ability of Democrats and Republicans to come together, you always wonder why that's so impossible for them to do under ordinary circumstances. Because, really, that's what you need to get anything done. So I'm glad to see it happening right now, because obviously this is a scary time for many and we don't need them stagnant this week.

PIRO: You heard the president's words, and I know I've talked to a number of staunch conservatives over the course of the last week, and they look forward to liberal Governor Andrew Cuomo's press conferences on a day in and day out business, sort of showing that if there's one victim we can all hopefully agree is one of the victims of this, it's partisanship, so far.

At least that's the hope going forward. You know, we'll see how long this lasts during this crisis, and then hopefully beyond.

HEGSETH: It might be a temporary victory, but at least for now. You're right. Good point. Appreciate it.

Imagine! Conservatives looking forward to Gov. Cuomo's pressers! Could it be because he (unlike the Mango F*ckface in charge) exhibits competence and intelligence? Do even conservatives value progress, and dare I say it, life? They don't mention, of course, their Majority Leader taking a 3-day recess last weekend in the middle of the crisis, nor do they mention two of their senators dumping millions in stock immediately after a private Senate briefing they received and before the stock market went kablooey.

But, hey! Hegseth calls it a temporary victory! The real victory for him (and his colleagues) would be if he has finally learned the hand-washing lesson he so proudly eschewed.

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