Petty Lindsey Graham Wants To Investigate ActBlue Over His Own Failed Fundraising

Since ActBlue is helping bury Lindsey Graham with fundraising from small donors, he's now out to get them.

Disclosure: C&L and Blue America PAC have used ActBlue for many years as our online fundraising tool.

Now that Lindsey Graham has been completely overwhelmed by Democratic challenger Jamie Harrison's fundraising prowess in the South Carolina US Senate race, Graham claims the left-wing internet fundraising tool ActBlue needs to be reviewed by Congress.

If Graham had any pride in himself he'd be embarrassed, but he does not.

And it's so typical of Republicans to hold sham investigations to hold on to power.

After begging for campaign donation scraps on Fox News, and illegally in the halls of Congress, in the final stretch Graham is whining and moaning like a wounded animal.

“Where’s all this money coming from ActBlue coming from? How easy would it be to just have a bunch of pre-paid credit cards?” he asked The Hill.

It's coming from small donors and donations, Senator Graham. And you know this. But maybe a fake investigation will turn things around for you.

An ActBlue representative responded to Graham's specious and outrageous claims:

An ActBlue spokesperson said the group reports even its smallest donations to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), which oversees fundraising for federal campaigns.

An ActBlue spokesperson said the claim that ActBlue does not report contributions under $200 is false.

The spokesperson said ActBlue reports every contribution, including those under $200, and that every federal donation made on ActBlue, including donations of only $1, can be verified on the FEC’s website.

While Majority Leader McConnell does not want to look into Act Blue, several other Republican senators who have fallen short in fundraising to their opponents are also interested in opening up investigations. Because that's the only tool in their shed.

The GOP are one big tent populated by scalawags and reprobates. Too bad for them the Blue Wave is real.

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