Pirro Applauds Trump Supporters Harassing Biden-Harris Campaign Events
Fox News' Jeanine Pirro and Newt Gingrich egg on more Trump supporters to harass Biden-Harris campaign events.
Biden-Harris campaign buses have been harassed by a cavalcade of Trump supporters blocking them on the highway, which is forcing planned events to be canceled, especially in Texas.
This should be a federal offense.
While Donald Trump praised his MAGA supporters who swarmed the bus, the FBI is investigating the matter -- which they should.
The FBI is investigating the alleged harassment of a Joe Biden campaign bus last week by motorists displaying Trump 2020 flags.
"FBI San Antonio is aware of the incident and investigating," FBI spokesperson Michelle Lee told CNN.
On Saturday evening, Fox News' Judge Pirro show, the always obnoxious Pirro and odious Newt Gingrich made believe these are just ordinary people showing their support for Trump, gaslighting the danger these actions are causing.
Gingrich did his usual propaganda dance and made believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been hiding out instead of campaigning which is obviously a lie.
And then Newt claimed this nonsense.
"There are these spontaneous parades and vote parades and organized get-togethers. Not done by the campaign, just people who are so energized they got to do something, so they're out there doing it every single day."
There is nothing spontaneous about this form of harassment as an Austin, Texas news report tell us.
It's the same group of people that are going around intimidating Biden Harris events.
Pirro praised them as just ordinary Americans doing what they love and encouraged more thuggery out of MAGA minions.
Pirro said, "Well, it is -- it is stunning. And what's even more stunning is what was just trending and that is there's a Biden bus and it's surrounded by pickup trucks on a highway all with Trump signs. I mean, it is ordinary Americans just taking this election into their own hands and -- and getting out there and being real clear on what they stand for."
If pro-Biden supporters drove a Trump bus off the road or intimidated them, Trump would demand Bill Barr send in the National Guard and either arrest or shoot them on the spot.
Their dangerous words are only throwing fuel on the fire for Election Day and whatever happens afterwards. The Fox Network must be held accountable.