Supreme Court ‘Family’ Should Cast Out Ginni Thomas For This

Ginni Thomas, spouse to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, blew up a listserv with her husband's ex-clerks and felt the need to offer a non-apology apology.

Ginni Thomas is apologizing to people -- again -- after blowing up an email listserv of her husband's former clerks.

According to The Washington Post, who obtained copies of some of the email exchanges, Thomas wrote a non-apology apology to the list.

“I owe you all an apology. I have likely imposed on you my lifetime passions,” Thomas wrote to an email list called "Thomas Clerk World."

“My passions and beliefs are likely shared with the bulk of you, but certainly not all," she continued. "And sometimes the smallest matters can divide loved ones for too long. Let’s pledge to not let politics divide THIS family, and learn to speak more gently and knowingly across the divide.”

The smallest matters, like backing the overthrow of a democratically elected government, Ginni?

By way of explanation, she offered this: “Many of us are hurting, after leaving it all on the field, to preserve the best of this country. I feel I have failed my parents who did their best and taught me to work to preserve liberties.”

I mean...SERIOUSLY? Since when does "preserving liberties" involve storming the heart of democracy and invading the Capitol, driving elected representatives into hiding?

And let's not forget that Thomas wasn't just an innocent bystander. She was leading a group full of those far right lying miscreants to get Trump re-elected, and then when he wasn't, she participated in the lie that the election was stolen.

The conflict on the list centered around the likes of John Eastman, disgraced former professor at Chapman University and other, saner participants.

After he resigned from Chapman University, Eastman wrote to the list: “Rest assured that those of us involved in this are working diligently to ascertain the truth.”

That sparked a retort from Stephen Smith, a law professor at Notre Dame: “If by ‘truth’ you mean what actually happened, as opposed to a false narrative, then I agree. I hope (and trust) that you — and everyone on this list — agree that the search for truth doesn’t in any way justify insurrection, trying to kidnap and assassinate elected officials, attacking police officers, or making common cause with racists and anti-Semites bent on wanton violence and lawlessness.”

Oh, hey! A Thomas clerk who actually believes in the rule of law and isn't afraid to say so.

As a parting shot, Ginni Thomas begged for mercy and understanding for her extremism and devotion to sedition: “I would ask those of you on the contrary side to have grace and mercy on those on my side of the polarized world, and feel free to call and talk to me individually about where I failed you as a friend here. I probably need more tutoring."

Let's talk publicly about your failure as a CITIZEN, Ginni. And let's also see those court disclosures so we can know how much you were paid to foment a seditious overthrow of the United States government in service of a fascist, too.

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