Bernie Sanders: 1.9T Bill Is Greatest Legislation To Help Working Families In Modern History

"Where was Republicans' concern for the deficit when they gave over a trillion dollars in tax breaks to the rich and large corporations?" Bernie Sanders.

Sen. Bernie Sanders praised the passing of the American Rescue Plan, calling it the greatest piece of legislation that has helped the working class in America in modern history.

While Republicans in Congress, and their propagandists on right-wing media scream about Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head, the Democratic party do the work of the people.

Not one single Republican voted to help their constituents during a pandemic. Think about it.

Owning the libs is their only policy. Performance theater and lies are the only things in their party platform.

Remember, in the 2020 RNC convention, they didn't even offer up a new platform. They only pledged fealty to their seditious, narcissistic baby-in-chief.

Even the seditious Sen. Josh Hawley, who has tried to position himself as a wingnut populist, having worked with Bernie Sanders on raising the minimum wage, voted against raising the minimum wage to $15.

The idiot voted against himself. And against the American people.

As Digby writes, it's a blow not to get the $15 minimum wage, but what is left in it is extremely impressive:

Still kind of stunned and heartened at the scale of the American Rescue Plan.The 2009 stimulus was 5.5% of 2008 GDP.The Rescue plan is 9.1% of 2020 GDP.And it creates a child allowance that will (knock wood) be very hard to roll back.

It’s also remarkable, even after the drama of the last few days, how little Biden had to backtrack.He proposed a $1.9 trillion package, and both houses of Congress passed a $1.9 trillion package.Anyway this is the best thing I can remember happening in American policy since, at least, Obergefell, or maybe the ACA, so I think people should celebrate a little/a lot tonight.When he’s right he’s right

It’s a BFD. I wouldn’t have bet on the Democrats ability to pass a 1.9 trillion dollar bill. And I never would have guessed that the Republicans would spend all their time rending their garments over Dr Seuss and Mr. Potatohead instead of ranting about Big Gummint and spending.

Every ridiculous attempt by Fox News and Republicans in Congress to attack the 1.9T bill as a blue state bail out was dismissed out of hand by Republican voters because this plan helps all American working families.

It's amazing that the entire 1.9T was passed.

With the Manchins and Sinemas, I figured they'd negotiate themselves into Republican opposition for the sake of the bipartisan fairy, and try to cut the bill in half so American families would be left with only about 900 billion instead. But that didn't happen.

Wow, just wow.

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