Fox News Effect: 47% Of Trump Supporters Will Refuse Vaccine

People are dying while they are lying.

If ever there was a cause-and-effect issue with a loud blinking red light, it's the disastrous way Fox News has been relentlessly attacking the CDC, Dr. Fauci, viable COVID treatments, and the effectiveness of safety protocols.

In recent polls there are alarming results with respect to the number of Republican men and Trump supporters who will refuse to get vaccinated.

This is the Fox Effect on steroids.

As soon as President Biden finished his COVID anniversary speech, Tucker Carlson flipped out , hosting COVID denier Alex Berenson to complain that the only policy Biden has to defeat COVID is get people vaccinated.

Yeah, what else are we supposed to f**king do, jackass?

When Trump first hid the severity of the pandemic to the American people, Fox and Friends continually downplayed the coronavirus, instead spreading propaganda all through the day until their highest-rated evening shows, whose hosts unceremoniously called a COVID a hoax by the Democratic party and the media to destroy Trump.

On March 11, 2020 Donald Trump was forced to give a national address in which he began to get honest with the American people.

Then Trump's narcissistic and criminal tendencies took over. During the administration's coronavirus task force briefings, Trump promoted snake oil remedies, UV lights, and drinking disinfectant as a way to protect yourself while the CDC issued warning after warning against those measures.

Then, as Dr. Fauci's approval rating skyrocketed, Trump benched him in favor of virus denier Dr. Scott Atlas, who promoted his preposterous herd immunity theory even though he's not an immunologist or virologist.

During the final months of the campaign, Trump vacated his duty to protect the American people and instead held maskless rallies and events at the White House causing himself and many around him to contract COVID.

After he lost the election again he abdicated his duties and only surfaced on Twitter to promote Q conspiracy theories and fake voter fraud outrage.

Fox News, Newsmax, and the rest of the conservative media complex jumped on these monumental frauds and helped perpetuate them.

Online anti-vaxxers continued to spew nonsense about the newly developed vaccines that was echoed on Fox News, and do to this day.

There's always been a small percentage of Americans who refuse to get injections, but that's a small fraction of the population. In the early 2000's the anti-vaxxers claimed their children were being hurt by all all inoculations, basing their claims on faulty science and one paper that was withdrawn.

That was then; this is now. We've never seen polling like this before, and it's all due to the outrageous behavior of the Trump supporters, Fox News and their imitators.

People are dying while they are lying.

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