Scary News: 46% Of Republicans Think Chauvin Verdict Was Wrong

Self-identifying Republicans are hard to find, but the ones who answer polls seem to think it's okay to kneel on someone else's neck.

Scary News: 46% Of Republicans Think Chauvin Verdict Was Wrong

Even with a 9 1/2-minute video that plays like a short horror film showing Derek Chauvin murdering George Floyd, , 46% of Republicans believe it was the wrong verdict in the latest CBS/YouGov poll.

What would be the right verdict?

Right-wing media outlets and their hosts immediately pounced on the verdict while pretending they were horrified by Chauvin's action in the video. They promoted the lie that people are too afraid of protesting to render any other verdict.

Republican troll and White Power spokesman Tucker Carlson claimed the verdict was an attack on our civilization.

Overall the media has stayed mum on this horrific polling and the views of the extremest Republican party, but as Howie Klein notes, there is a demographic that has taken notice:

Who is noticing how out of step Republican office-holders are with mainstream thought? Younger people-- and, according to an AP report today, they're reshaping political geography. Nicholas Riccardi and Mike Schneider wrote that millennials are moving to cities like Orlando, Houston, Atlanta, Phoenix and Denver and transforming the states from red to purple or, like Colorado, blue.

We can only hope this trend continues.

The influence of right-wing media outlets that act as reactionaries and counter reality is having a disastrous effect on this country.

If TraitorTrump executed Michael Cohen for spilling the beans on his criminal behavior for the ten years he was his legal enforcer, I imagine 46% of Republicans would say he was justified because Cohen wasn't loyal enough.

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