2022 U.S. Elections Are At Grave Risk From Republican Extremists

We are arriving at a tipping point where fascists can overtake this nation and they'd have Fox News, evangelicals and the like supporting their efforts, apologizing for it and then even justifying it.

Michigan Gov. Whitmer was the target of a kidnapping plot planned by a paramilitary group called Wolverine Watchmen, a group whose goal was "civil war leading to societal collapse" before being thwarted on Oct 8th, 2020.

The Michigan governor most likely would have been murdered by these seditious, anti-American traitors.

Then we learned that Ohio Gov. Mike De Wine and Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam were also targeted for kidnapping.

All three governors supported early state lockdown to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

If these kidnappings had been successful, these governors would have been put on trial for tyranny. And as we've seen with radical crazies, they would have been executed, most probably live-streamed.

The anti-United States cult of Trump and their support for an overthrow of a duly elected government played their best hand on January 6. Fueled by Traitor Trump and his despicable minions' unconscionable behavior, thousands of MAGA cultists stormed the US Capitol, hunting for politicians to arrest.

Many chanted, "Hang Mike Pence!" as they built a gallows outside the Capitol walls and we can only imagine what would've happened if they were successful in capturing even a single congressperson, let alone Speaker Pelosi or VP Pence?

Now we see Americans buying guns a rapid rate and this is similarly alarming. The NY Times writes, "But beneath the timeworn political cycle on guns in the United States, the country’s appetite for firearms has only been increasing, with more being bought by more Americans than ever before."

Conservatives have relentlessly fear-mongered the lie that millions of immigrants are coming into our country through our southern borders to steal our homes, and that Antifa will destroy your neighborhoods.

20 states have passed laws that do not require a permit for concealed carry.

Former Trump reprobates like Mike Flynn, a former General and pardoned felon are still hoping for a Myanmar-like overthrow of our government.

What is this leading up to?

Gun dealers have been marketing their wares to violent extremist groups like the Boogaloo Bois, Oath Keepers and Proud Boy groups. who haven't gone away, just receded into the background to evade the FBI.

We know they are lurking, waiting.

Outside of targeting politicians that either refused to overturn a free and fair presidential election or supported instituting CDC guidelines to combat COVID, the new targets may be polling locations and voters around the country, including the swing states. Maybe especially in the swing states.

Right-wing state legislators are trying to undermine the integrity of our entire Constitution -- A government of the people, by the people, for the people -- by passing immoral and illegal voting restrictions targeted at the working class and minority populations. They are trying to pass legislation that puts the election results to be determined by a hand picked enclave of Republican activists, not the voters, even the people they deem eligible to be voters.

If a concerted effort is made by these right-wing militia groups beholden to Trump to intimidate voters, vote counters and to even shut down polling locations, how would local municipalities handle this? Trump won the 2016 election by three states only. There needs to be protections ready and waiting to thwart any effort to undermine the right to vote in every state.

As a precursor to the present, back in the highly contested 2000 election in Florida, the famed Brooks Brother riots were held to shut down the recounting of votes that eventually helped award George W. Bush the presidency.

Roger Stone was one who took credit for organizing Republican staffers to demonstrate, but it "turned violent and, according to The New York Times, "several people were trampled, punched or kicked when protesters tried to rush the doors outside the office of the Miami-Dade supervisor of elections. Sheriff's deputies restored order."

Within two hours the recount was stopped.

They got what they wanted.

These were GOP staffers wearing suits, not gun wielding psychopaths who would have no problem pulling the trigger against defenseless Americans. Many of those staffers ended up in key Trump administration positions.

We are arriving at a tipping point where fascists can overtake this nation and they'd have Fox News, evangelicals and the like supporting their efforts, apologizing for it and then even justifying it.

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