Fox News Literally Tears Down Biden, Props Up Putin

Party before country on Hannity. Shame on these traitors.

Fox News has been on a mission to exalt Vladimir Putin as a tough and virile leader while trying to diminish President Biden as best they can before their summit in Helsinki.

Make no mistake: Fox News encourages anti-American propaganda when a Democrat is in the White House. Party before country, every time.

On Monday's America Reports, Fox News slobbered over Putin and aired an entire segment calling Boris Yeltsin a fatuous drunk while depicting Putin as a 'horse riding bodybuilder giving Russia new confidence.'

On this morning's Faulkner Focus, they opened up their coverage on this Wednesday's summit by recycling Sean Hannity's ridiculous comments from Monday? Really lazy, guys.

Then Fox News brought on John Roberts (who is traveling with the president) for him to make it appear that Pres. Biden is afraid to do a joint press conference with Putin.

"There will not be a joint appearance by the two leaders," Robert said.

Roberts called Traitor Trump's 2018 Helsinki presser with Putin as "a scene."

That summit was much more than a scene, it was a US embarrassment. That fact was echoed by Speaker Pelosi on Sunday.

Trump was the first sitting US president who actually defended a murderous thug like Putin on the global stage. Traitor Trump also denigrated his own US intelligence services to defend the Russian leader. It was dubbed the Surrender Summit.

That didn't stop Roberts making believe we are all body language experts.

"There's something interesting about seeing the two leaders side-by-side," Roberts said..

He continued, "When you see the two leaders side-by-side you really get a chance to read the body language and if President Biden really wanted to be publicly tough on Vladimir Putin that would be the perfect opportunity to do it, but the White House says it doesn't want to give Putin the elevated forum publicly side-by-side with President Biden."

Talking tough and analyzing body language is supposed to be what makes a leader great?

Fox News defended Trump's actions with Putin at every turn, but can't wait to make ridiculous and vicious attacks against Biden because the Seditious One is looking these days like a worn-out cream puff. Sad!

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