Mehdi Hasan Takes On The Fox News Gang: 'Shame On All Of Them!'

As the United States prepares to take on refugees, the haters over at Fox News are preparing to stir up some more hatred toward immigrants. Mehdi Hasan calls them out.

As the United States prepares to take on refugees, the haters over at Fox News are preparing to stir up some more hatred toward immigrants. Mehdi Hasan calls them out in a way that everyone should.

After Laura Ingraham had the nerve to ask why we had to take Afghan refugees after 20 years of occupying their country and Tucker Carlson whined that "first we invade, then we're invaded," Hasan was fed up.

To White Power Laura, Hasan responds, "Yes, Laura, we do have a responsibility to these people and we did promise them we'd have their backs," before noting that Ingraham and Carlson supported the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

"So they are the last people who get to say nothing to do with us, not our problem," Hasan said. "If you did not support the war in Afghanistan, maybe you could then justify saying, well, none of this is on me. That would be cruel, yes, but kind of fair. But these two were pro-war. And now they're telling us, they're telling the Afghan people, sorry, you're on your own."

But wait! There's more. It wasn't just those two. No, the "worst hypocrite of them" is Stephen Miller.

"He wrote on Twitter over the weekend, quote, it's becoming increasingly clear that Biden and his radical deputies will use their catastrophic debacle in Afghanistan as a pretext for doing to America what Angela Merkel did to Germany and Europe, referencing the decision in 2015 to take in over a million refugees," Hasan explained.

"And yet this is the same Stephen Miller whose own great grandfather came here to the United States in 1906 to escape anti-Jewish people in Belarus," he pointed out. "Stephen Miller might not been alive today had the U.S. not opened its doors to refugees from across the world over the past century and more."

And worst of all, is that this is all just cynical posturing to cater to the white supremacist crowd who are terrified that white people will be in the minority going forward and somehow be threatened by the brown people coming over from a country that we ravaged for 20 years after the Russians had their way with them in wars they cheered or ignored, just like the media who is now obsessing over Afghanistan for the first time in 10 years.

"The hypocrisy is just galling," said Hasan. I couldn't agree more. "To be honest, I don't know what's worse, listening to people who back these wars refusing to accept the consequences of them or listening to those people who use these wars as an excuse to push white supremacy. Shame on all of them."

Let's add to that the very-concerned-New-York-Beltway-establishment press, who, after ignoring everything in Afghanistan for the past 10 years too, is suddenly appalled that leaving a country is a messy, ugly business.

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