Former Fox Employee 'Shocked' Over Fox News’ Vaccine Mandate

Former Jesus loving, homo-hating, Christian patriot, Fox "reporter" Todd Starnes is shocked... shocked I tell you, to discover that his former employer is full of raging hypocrites.

Former Jesus loving, homo-hating, Christian patriot, Fox "reporter" Todd Starnes is shocked... shocked I tell you, to discover that his former employer is full of raging hypocrites. After President Biden unveiled sweeping vaccine and testing requirements for employers with more than 100 employees this Thursday, and took a swipe at Fox, noting that the company already mandates vaccines for their employees, Starnes took to Twitter and defiantly proclaimed that his company would not comply.

Starnes conveniently failed to mention that his company that has less than 25 employees isn't subject to the requirement, but why let that get in the way of acting like a tough guy on social media, defiantly standing up for your right to help sicken your fellow Americans (which is nothing new for Starnes)?

Fox dumped Starnes back in 2019 after he said on his radio program that Democrats do not believe in the Christian God and instead may worship Moloch, a pagan god often associated with child sacrifice. Readers here may also remember Starnes for being part of the right wing smear against the Parkland kids.

A couple of hours after the Tweet saying his company that won't comply with the mandate they weren't going to be forced to comply with in the first place, Starnes Tweeted this about his former employer, Fox.

Starnes' feigned ignorance about his former employer's policy was met with the appropriate scorn on Twitter:

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