Fox News Buries The Trump Accounting Firm Story

Fox News devoted twenty-three SECONDS of coverage to Mazars separating from Trump and declaring their financials 'unreliable.'

On Monday, The Trump Organization's long-time accounting firm Mazars fired them as a client and told all other financial entities that their financials from 2011-2020 are not reliable.

This sent shock waves throughout the land.

Trump has long refused to release his tax returns since he ran for office in 2015, giving all sorts of ridiculous excuses, but now we may understand why he's hiding them from scrutiny.

Mazars statement is very damaging to Trump, as it would be to any company.

George Conway tweeted that, apart from being indicted, this is as the most calamitous thing that could happen to a company:

Fox ignored the story all day, and in the evening, Special Report with Bret Baier spent all of twenty-three seconds on this news.

If you blinked, you missed it.

Baier said, "The accounting firm working for the Trump organization is dropping it as a client. Mazars says the former president's statements of financial condition from 2011 through 2000 -- through 2020 should no longer be relied upon."

"Mazars also is saying tonight The Trump Organization should inform all the entities that received those financial statements, they should no longer rely on them." Baier said.

That was it.

I searched the entire day's transcripts and only found this one mention of it on Fox.

If you searched the term "Trump organization" on TVEyes, then you'd find Fox News repeatedly discussed the "Trump organization" in at least seventeen different segments, but not anything about Mazars outside of Baier's quick hit.

The only topic Fox News covered was hyperventilating about the Durham filing that has no proof of anything and adds nothing to Durham's investigations at all.

Today Fox complained about the media refusing to cover the latest phony scandal ginned up by John Durham.

Why then didn't Fox News cover this horrible news for Trump?

For that matter, Newsmax never mentioned the Mazars story either, but they did flog the Durham piece in at least thirteen segments.

Shameless propaganda outlets should not have the ability to call themselves news.

PS Turns out Fox has a website that is also ignoring the Mazars story, go figure!

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