Donald Trump's long time accounting firm, Mazars, has officially fired him as a client. And it appears to be "for cause" as in, (BE)CAUSE YOU DID A WHOLE BUNCH OF ILLEGAL STUFF AND WE ARE NOT TAKING THE FALL FOR YOU. Whoopsie daisy.
Here is the "you're fired" letter:
Nicolle Wallace had Susanne Craig (New York Times) to discuss what this disastrous news means. She started by reading some of what was in the letters, saying that "Mazars said it concluded that the statements were no longer reliable based in part on the Attorney General's earlier filings, its own investigations and information the accountants received from internal and external sources. The letter added that Mazars performed its work in accordance with professional standards. That sounds a lot like, we got new information and CYA."
Susanne Craig agreed wholeheartedly, adding that the letter points out that Mazars is basically saying "there's something under the surface...there's definitely something there and this is very bad news for the Trump organization." She added "I mean, their accounting firm is not a big four, but we're getting to the point where they're going to have to be going to a smaller, like, a Four Seasons type accounting firm to get their financials." Four Season Accounting Firm, right off 95 at the New Jersey truckstop. She pointed out a very real risk to Trump and the Trump Org, that "this will affect their ability to get loans and do other sorts of business. it's very serious when an accounting firm comes out and you know, kind of puts a siren on things."
Nicolle asked about what it means when an "accounting firm says there are ten years of financial statements that should not be relied upon, for the purposes of this civil litigation, what does a defendant do?". Susanne responded that the Trump Org will have to come out and say "that the information that they gave the accountants was correct." But the real risk is that this sort of public statement from your accounting firm is "another sort of brick in the road towards some sort of charges or an indictment."
Twitter had ALL sorts of thoughts:
As we all know, MANY crooks from organized crime were brought down by financial crimes. Tax evasion, fraud, etc. Looks like Trump and his organized crime syndicate may be following the same path.