RNC Chair Attacks The NYT For Quoting Her Accurately

It seems that RNC Chair Ronna Don't-Call-Me-Romney McDaniel is upset with The New York Times for reporting on the fact that her organization just voted to support the fascists and insurrectionists.

RNC Chair Attacks The NYT For Quoting Her Accurately

It seems that RNC Chair Ronna Don't-Call-Me-Romney McDaniel is upset with The New York Times for reporting on the fact that her organization just voted to support the fascists and insurrectionists. As we already discussed here, the RNC voted to censure Cheney and Kinzinger, and accused the two Republican Representatives of "participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse."

McDaniel took to Twitter and accused the Times of "baseless political propaganda" for, God forbid, quoting her and her organization and what they just voted to approve accurately.

As AlterNet Reported:

This is the resolution the RNC overwhelmingly passed Friday, that specifically makes the exact same claim as the article's title (first page, last paragraph.):

But McDaniel goes on to indict herself, using the exact same quote that appears in the article's headline. In her next tweet she writes: "Cheney and Kinzinger chose to join Pelosi in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse that had nothing to do with violence at the Capitol," and adds: "The NYT needs to correct this story now, or again expose themselves as political hacks."

We already know who the "political hack" is. McDaniel has decided to tie Trump around the GOP's neck for the midterms and beyond, consequences be damned.

It's causing a lot of headaches within the Republican party right now as these recent articles discussed:

Trump’s ‘circular firing squad’ threatens GOP midterm gains

Tensions within GOP Increase as “Loyalty” Overtakes Ideology

'Insane': Some RNC members are furious Trump is pitting Republican against Republican

RNC Should Take a Lesson from Mike Pence

McDaniel is now in damage control mode as the Washington Post's Josh Dawsey reported on Twitter:

Too late Ronna. The damage has already been done.

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