Dennis Prager Claims Disney Is 'At War With Your Children'

QAnon is the most influential group in the GOP.

Dennis Prager, an extreme right wing provocateur and a pig towards women told conservatives to "destroy Disney at all costs" because it spoke out against Florida's homophobic "Don't Say Gay" law.

"It is important not to visit Disneyland or Disney World," Prager said on Salem News.

"It's a scummy organization which has made war on America's children," he said.

Prager and the entire right-wing media complex never tells you how Disney are "making war on" your children. Is this akin to what we see in Ukraine? If winger grifters like Prager say so, it must be, right?

Prager is transmitting the QAnon talking points of the day, building on Fox's odious attacks on the home of Mickey Mouse.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham demanded that Republicans destroy Disney as soon as possible.

He continued, "It has nothing to do with what LGBTQIA -- it has to do with the protection of children against premature sexualization. The belief that there is no such thing as male and a female. That alone would invalidate Disney as in any way a positive force for the United States of America and the Western world."

This is sick.

Jason Campbell tweeted this:

Prager wants people to dump their Disney stock and fight against the corporation like it is WWII.

"If the guys could storm Normandy for freedom, you could avoid Disney World for freedom."

Republicans are bathing themselves in pedophilia and using children as cudgels against their political rivals.

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