'Killer Kyle' Rittenhouse Begs For Money On Tucker Carlson's Show

Kyle is about as charismatic as a snail slithering under a rock.

Kyle Rittenhouse appeared on Fox News with hat in hand, begging for money to fend off several civil lawsuits stemming from his murdering killing of two men and wounding another.

Conover writes, "Cryin' Kyle Rittenhouse's grift hasn't been going well lately, as his events have been canceled at least twice due to his toxicity..."

“It's ridiculous. This lawsuit is very frustrating and it’s upsetting," Rittenhouse told Tucker.

Rittenhouse claimed the lawsuit against him for his vigilante and murderous activism at a protest is really an attack on the Second Amendment.

"And our rights to self-defense," he said. "If you use your God given rights of defense, they're going to come after you."

Carlson says he sees lawsuits shutting down free speech all over the country.

Tucker must have forgotten how Republicans and Trump use the courts to scare litigants with lawsuits as well as trying to bankrupt anyone in their way.

Even the piece of shite from Sacramento sued many people including Devon Nunes' Cow, Devon Nunes' Mom, and Rachel Maddow, with no hope of wining. He could afford to do it, so he did.

"I know we're going to win the court fight, it's going to be expensive and it's going to cost a lot of money to fight these attorneys," Kyle said.

"You can go to [his website] to help me take on these lawyers so they don't come after more people because if they can come after me, they will come after you," Rittenhouse warned. That's always how they frame things to instill fear in people, even people who have never killed anyone.

Normal people don't take loaded weapons from out-of-state and have their mom drive them into a protest zone, apparently looking for people to shoot, shoot them in the back and then cry on right-wing trash media about money to pay their lawyers.

That's not a God-given right.

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