Fox News Liars Serve Heaping Helping Of Projection

Every accusation is a confession with these people.

While discussing John Durham accusing the FBI of “confirmation bias” both in his dud of a report, and during this Wednesday's hearing, Outnumbered host Harris Faulkner asked her fellow panel member David Webb to weigh in on what Durham had said. Webb responded with a big heaping helping of projection, accusing Democrats of doing exactly what we see from Republicans along with Webb and the rest of the propagandists on his sorry excuse for a “news” network.

Webb and the lot of them also continued to pretend that there was no basis for the FBI to investigate all of the crooks tied to the Trump campaign, and ignore the fact that the talking point he's using here was completely dismantled by Democrats during the hearing. Somehow the lot of them managed to avoid being struck by lightening before the segment was over:

WEBB: There's a simpler word for confirmation bias. It's lie. So Adam Schiff knew this in the intel community, knew it was wrong. Barack Obama was briefed on other issues related to Russia and knew it was wrong. Joe Biden, current president, then vice president. So when you follow the track, it's really a lie.

By the way, Schiff is effective because he drives the narrative, wears his badge of honor for his voting base. He's not talking to any one of us on the couch. He's not talking to undecided Americans. He's talking about his next senate run or first senate run, and he's talking about not just getting Trump out of office, but all Republicans.

The Democrats are willing to lie, cheat and steal to get wherever. And Jerrold Naddler, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and all of them followed this line after they were briefed behind closed doors, having the facts, there was no collusion. (Sorry, but yes there was David.)

George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, others that took the brunt of this, so many Americans, and the abuse of the FISA courts. Remember, over 278,000 warrants. I want answers on that. I want to know who is in those warrants. (Too bad Republicans didn't just waste millions of dollars of tax payers' money looking into just that... oh wait.)

FAULKNER: Really quick follow up. Why doesn't this ever matter to Democrat voters?

WEBB: You know, there's a hard core part of the base that will go no matter what, and if you're fed the line repeatedly, repeatedly, maybe you can go back to it confirms what they want to believe. It's easy to believe and it's harder to go against... look, as human beings we have a belief structure. It is hard to go against it. You don't want to believe it. (Thanks for explaining to everyone just exactly what Fox does to their viewers.)

The easy part, let me tell everyone out there, if you're wrong and somebody presents the facts, own it. Say you're wrong and adjust course. That's why they don't change. And there are ideologues in there who simply want to drive the anti-Trump. But really it's about America. We've to go beyond Trump to all of America.

EARHARDT: But, the Hunter Biden story, we did this last week, or I think on Friday. All the big networks were not reporting on it. Zero minutes. What was it, two hundred ninety one minutes on the Trump indictment? They don't know the story. You ask Democrats if they knew about the Hunter Biden laptop, Before the election, they didn't know. (Oh, we know. We know there is no "laptop.")

COMPAGNO: They're still amplifying the lie.

FAULKNER: They know what they've been fed to know.

Every accusation is a confession with these people.

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