Petty Birther Trash Is Offended Obama's Speech Got 'Personal'
Oh no, I think Obama hurt his feewings:(
It appears that Donald was hate-watching the Democratic National Convention, where the Obamas took jabs at the fragile manlet, and they didn't hold back.
Donald, who has dogged former President Barack Obama for years with his birther conspiracy, claimed that he wasn't born in America but was instead born in Kenya. The attacks on the Obamas were plentiful, but now Donald has suddenly taken issue with "personal" criticisms.
And, of course, Trump continued with his racist birther attacks by noting Obama's middle name, Hussein.
"Did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night taking little shots? He was taking shots at your president, and so was Michelle," Trump said at his Asheboro, North Carolina rally. "You know, they always say, 'Sir, please stick to policy, don't get personal,' but they're getting personal all night, these people."
Trump polled his supporters in the crowd, asking, "Should I get personal, or should I not get personal?"
Trump appeared to try to get ahead of the Obamas on CNN just before their DNC speeches by, in an unusual moment, praising them.
“I like him; I think he’s a nice gentleman,” Trump said, adding, “I respect him, and I respect his wife.”
No one believes that. Donald has been trashing the Obamas for years. He knew what was coming.
Donald was heard calling his opponent, Kamala Harris, a "fucking bitch," and he has called her "human garbage," so he can sit his flabby old ass down, and take all of the seats.