March 28, 2010 C-SPAN
Heather: Andrew Breitbart blames the victims and says the Congressmen who walked through the racist Tea Party members who were yelling racial epithets at them brought it on themselves and provoked the crowd, but denies anyone yelled anything you could consider racist at them if you can wrap your head around that one. He also is upping the ante with the payout for video of the spitting incident. The Huffington Post put up this video which apparently is not good enough for the right wingers to admit the incident happened. Now Breitbart says he's offering $100K for proof of the spitting, which I'm sure he'll never pay out later either. Everybody's a racist but the poor Tea Party protesters in Breitbart's world if you can stand to watch this rant of his.
Here's the video of the incident from the Huffington Post. You can judge for yourself if you think it looks like Rep. Cleaver was spit on or not.
John Amato:
Andrew is cracking up since his boy toy got exposed as a fraud so he's lashing out at Rep. John Lewis civil rights creds.
Breitbart on FBN
: Rep. John Lewis is "squandering his civil rights icon ... status" by "lying" about racial slurs
The FOX host looked pretty uncomfortable after Breitbart attacked Lewis.