Bill O'Reilly Blasts Obama Over Wanting To Close Gitmo And A No Torture Policy. Forgot To Mention McCain Did Also
Bill O'Reilly started off his TPM segment by being angered that Obama wants to close Guantanamo Bay and not use torture. "Where will he put those Gitm
Bill O'Reilly started off his TPM segment by being angered that Obama wants to close Guantanamo Bay and not use torture. "Where will he put those Gitmo guys." He feels the ACLU will sue him if they come to the US. BillO then asks what exactly is torture.
O'Reilly: Keeping a suspect awake, loud music, bad food? Will President Obama eliminate all stressful interrogation methods? If so, that will end most of the information flow from captured terrorists. Most of these guys are hard cases. They don't give up information easily.
Notice he never mentioned waterboarding at all and that's his favorite technique. I think the military knows how to get information without torturing detainees. I don't seem to remember BillO or his buddy Dick Morris bringing up Gitmo or McCain's stance on torture when they cheer-leaded for him during the general election. Nope. They were more interested in Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, but I do know that Bill is just looking out for the folks.
Here's McCain on Gitmo via his own 60 Minutes interview on CBS:
PELLEY: Would you close Guantanamo Bay?
MCCAIN: Yes. I would close Guantanamo Bay. And I would move those prisoners to Fort Leavenworth. And I would proceed with the tribunals.
PELLEY: Why? What's wrong with the way it was handled?
MCCAIN: Guantanamo Bay has become an image throughout the world which has hurt our reputation. Whether we deserve it or not, the reality is Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib have harmed our reputation in the world, thereby harming our ability to win the psychological part of the war against radical Islamic extremism.
And in the same interview, even though McCain did vote that the CIA could use waterboarding, he talks about being against the use of torture.
PELLEY: There have been a lot of semantics over the last few years about what is torture, what isn't torture, whether American tortures prisoners.
PELLEY: What would you bring to that as President?
MCCAIN: I would never allow any technique which would not be publicly known to be used. We are better than our enemies. We are morally superior. That's why we will win this struggle. And I am confident that we will
Saddle up people. BillO and FOX News have "Only Just begun"