David Shuster Smacks Down Palin Docu-director John Ziegler: Palin Turns On Ziegler Too
David Shuster had a knock-down, drag-out fight with wingnut extraordinaire John Ziegler over his new pseudo-documentary about the supposedly unfair
Professional right wing angry person John Ziegler (remember his potty-mouthed but fact-light challenge of 538.com's Nate Silver?) is busy as a beaver, creating the "documentary" Media Malpractice... How Obama Got Elected about how that "librul media" (*sigh* Can that phrase be retired yet?)Shuster started off by telling Ziegler that Palin thought Ziegler mischaracterized her in his promos. You can't make this stuff up folks, but when it comes to right-wing apologists, anything is possible. (very rough transcript and not in order)
Shuster: Sarah Palin says your decision to post excerpts out of context on YouTube led to misleading reports. Your take? Ziegler: I'm sorry that she feels that way. I don't believe that's the case..Shuster then brought up Ziegler's idiotic statement when he said that the media was "assassinating Palin." Right-wing propagandists will cry "victim" everytime.
Shuster: Wait as second, wait a second. You think it's accurate to use the word 'assassinate'? Regardless of the heavy criticism, doesn't it diminish real assignations when you throw out the word 'assassinate' because Sarah Palin didn't like some of the questions she got in an interview? Ziegler: I believe her character was assassinated, David, and I believe this network played an enormous role in that process and you took the clip of the Katie Couric out of context.[..] Shuster: But John, even in the documentary, at least in the clips that you've released, she still can't answer, at least it takes her several opportunities, she still really can't say what she reads. Does Sarah Palin take any responsibility.... Ziegler: David, that's ridiculous. Apparently you didn't watch the clip. Shuster: I did, She talked about news articles that are widely circulated in Alaska Ziegler: You're a joke. Shuster: John, the joke is the fact that you and Sarah Palin can't take any responsibility for the fact that she wasn't prepared to run for vice president. Does she ever acknowledge that in any of your interviews? Ziegler: Did you not watch the clip?...This is clearly an agenda by MSNBC... Really? So is that your opinion, David? Is that your opinion, Shuster: No, I'm asking you Ziegler: As an alleged news person, is that your opinion? That she was unprepared to be vice president of the US? That doesn't seem very objective to me... Shuster: John, it's the opinion of 65% of the people... Ziegler: It's not your opinion, it's everybody's opinion. Shuster: It's everybody's opinion that's had an opportunity to interview her, except for you and my question is, when you interviewed her, did she ever express any responsibility for her own shortcomings, any? Ziegler: I feel like this is OJ Simpson interviewing the Cobbs Shuster: It's a simple yes or no answer....You see, with guys like Ziegler---when he's confronted with facts that disprove his propaganda, he gets abusive. Where have we seen that before? And I find it laughable that Palin and her supporters will not admit that she was ill-prepared to run and hasn't taken responsibility for her own actions, but yet they ask average Americans who are losing their jobs to take responsibility for their own failings. Anyway, Ziegler will be on again for Round 2 with Shuster at the 3/6PM hour. It will probably be plenty entertaining. The right-wingers are so worried about the Fairness Doctrine being pulled, but in reality, when they are given time to explain their positions, that's when they are exposed as the whack jobs they really are like....John "The Joke" Ziegler. More to come....