Sarah Palin's Epic Con Game Continues
Sarah Palin complains that 'big government' is destroying her liberty...except it isn't.
As more information about the IRS scandal trickles out daily, the White House’s involvement is becoming clearer. Those of us who’ve been warning about the demise of freedom with Barack Obama’s efforts to “fundamentally transform” our great nation are about to witness some sad vindication. Will awakened Americans finally join us in saying “enough is enough”?
Get that, you sleepy surrender monkeys? She's had quite enough already.
These Obama administration scandals are a sad and stark reminder that only limited government can ensure liberty. At our core, we Americans just want to be left alone to live freely, peacefully, and productively. Last year the Obama campaign told us that government is something we all “belong” to. I guess they’re right because when the government is powerful enough to target, intimidate, and harass us, we do “belong” to them.
The real question is: Will we stand for this?
So how has Sarah Palin's freedom been truly impinged, intimidated and harassed by Big Govmint? As far as I can tell, she's been free to show us what a lightweight she is the whole time.
Sarah Palin quits job as Alaska's Governor.WASILLA, Alaska - Sarah Palin plans to resign as governor of Alaska in a few weeks, KTUU-TV reported Friday.
Governor Sarah Palin is the latest politician to mint a sweet book deal. She's signed a deal with Harper Collins who will co-release the book with its subsidiary, Christian publishing house Zondervan (the company that published Rick Warren's mega-seller "The Purpose-Driven Life"). Reporters have been chattering about the inevitability of a Palin book for months. The deal was negotiated by DC lawyer Robert Barnett, whose literary client list includes Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. The financial arrangements haven't been disclosed, but your Gaggler is thinking big bucks. (And probably more than Bush scored.)
Sarah Palin Paid $100,000 To Send National Tea-Party Convention Into Spasms Of Glee*Hard to imagine a better evening for candidate Sarah Palin. She was paid a reported $100,000 to insult Obama in front of a cheering crowd of rich tea-partiers who broke out in chants of "Run, Sarah, Run!" And because she hasn't declared her candidacy yet, she gets to keep the money!*No wonder she quit her annoying government job.
Sarah Palin gets reality show although it was canceled after one season.
Sunday's season finale of Sarah Palin's Alaska is said to be the show's last episode, Entertainment Weekly reportsSarah Palin signs on to be a Fox News Analyst
The network confirmed that Ms. Palin will appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multi-year deal. Financial terms were not disclosed. Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person familiar with the deal said, though she will host an occasional series that will run on the network from time to time.
Sarah Palin turns down Mark Burnett's syndicated talk show.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been offered a major syndicated TV talk show by reality-show producer Mark Burnett but turned down the deal, Newsmax has learned.
She seems to be living the American dream unlike most Americans.