Harvey Keitel speaks out on "Showbiz Tonight about the controversy ABC's "Path to 9/11" has caused and in which he stars.
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Keitel: Yea, I had questions about events--material I was given in the Path to 9/11 that I did raise questions about. Yes, I had some conflicts there.
Q: How was that met?
Keitel: With discussion..ummm with argument. When I received the script it said ABC history project --I took it to be exactly what they presented to me. History--and that facts were correct. It turned out not all the facts were correct and ABC set about trying to heal that problem..In some instances it was too late because we had begun.
Q: Do you feel that anything should be changed in this film?
Keitel: Yes I do. This is a tough issue.--(sure)
You can compile certain things as long as the truth remains the truth. You can't put things together, compress them and then distort the reality.
Q:...in the case of September 11th though, do you feel that it is an absolute responsibility that it be factually accurate even if it is a dramatization?
Keitel: Absolutely, you cannot cross the line from a conflation of events to a distortion of the event. No. Where we have distorted something we have made a mistake-and that should be corrected. It can be corrected. It can be corrected by the people getting involved in the story that they are going to see.
(h/t Justin)