Something strange is cooking on the John Bolton nomination. . .
First of all, John Bolton's nomination was formally sent to the U.S. Senate yesterday, Thursday, between 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. when the Senate was called to order for a pro forma session designed just to exhange letters and paperwork between the various branches of government.
In other words, correspondence from the White House to the Senate was received during this time.
Remarkably, House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi was caught off guard by the Bolton nomination. The nomination is a Senate matter -- but it is also a political matter -- particularly when the theme of the President's lunch yesterday with Pelosi was "trust-building behavior" and "bipartisanship."
Nancy Pelosi's office would not comment on the President's failure to inform her of the White House's new moves on the controversial US Ambassador to the United Nations.
However, Pelosi's office did confirm that (a) the President mentioned nothing about re-starting the Bolton process again and (b) Speaker Pelosi opposes him firmly -- arguing that his brand of diplomacy has seriously undermined America's interests and our ability to achieve our national security and foreign policy objectives in the United Nations.
The President's office released word of the Bolton nomination at 1:22 p.m. to the public -- about 7 minutes after Nancy Pelosi actually left the Oval Office. Read on...