Nicole Belle: "After my head exploded from the sheer idiocy of having to type that headline, it occured to me that generations from now, we will be able to view video clips like this one as evidence of the implosion of the conservative movement to oblivion."
Culture Warrior Bill O'Reilly has been milking Danny Devito's appearance on 'The View' for all it's (not) worth. For a second consecutive day -- and what will carry on to next week when BillO will "analyze Barbara Walters' body language" -- the falafel King harped on Devito's "deep-seated hatred" for President Bush and how "the left wing media" is giving him a free pass. The worst part comes when FOX shill Bernard Goldberg compares 'The View' to a meeting of the KKK, saying that Devito felt right at home with the left-wing audience (who somehow equate to radical racists?) Golberg made clear that he's "never been to one", though.
I don't know which FOX interview O'Reilly was talking about but Devito is clearly not "cold sober" in this one. I think he was just being stupid after a night out with Clooney. It's not like he was joking about poisoning Supreme Court justices or anything.