How many times can this sad excuse for a human be shown to either be lying or irretrievably stupid before the media stops giving her a platform?
On the February 8 edition of NBC's Today, syndicated columnist Ann Coulter derided a resolution introduced in the Virginia Legislature apologizing for slavery as "white people engaging in a completely meaningless gesture" and falsely told viewers the resolution "was not introduced by a black person." In fact, according to a report in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, the original resolution was introduced by Delegate A. Donald McEachin and state Sen. Henry L. Marsh III, both African-American Democrats.
In reference to Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), Coulter said that "the first black president should be an American black, and a Republican." Coulter's comment recalled, in part, a claim by columnist Stanley Crouch in the November 2, 2006, New York Daily News that "Obama did not -- does not -- share a heritage with the majority of black Americans, who are descendants of plantation slaves."