For the last two days, Duncan has been explaining his position on religion. I do agree with most of what he says. I happen to take my faith very seriously. I don't like to talk about it because I feel it should be very personal and very private. Ted Haggard yelled his to millions of people at the top of his lungs and what happened? He was a fraud. The media frames religious belief in basically this way...The Donohue/Falwell/Robertson view of life and morals or there's a check box just below the form that says---"Other." And we know what "Other" means to the media and the DFR's.
If you don't follow the DFR's ramblings completely, to them and the media ---you aren't really religious or "spiritual" in any way. You're a faker. Just trying to appeal to a certain segment for votes---or----because consultants tell you to. "Did you see Ted Kennedy go to Church?" "Yea, what a phony." The media has allowed extreme leaders to seize the moral compass away.
Here's a clip from November of 2005 on Meet the Press, (it's low quality) and watch the hideous messages Falwell and Land are sending out about life and women.
Media Matters highlights how facts and figures are all lies to these people.
The beauty of America is freedom of religion.---or not to have any...Roy Moore is from that ilk. If you don't follow their way regarding religion then you're trying to turn the country into a version of the movie called "Caligula." The media gives the DFR's a platform and if anyone disagrees with them in any way, you don't count...Agnostics, atheists or whatever you might be aren't able to have morals because you didn't learn from them. I have to laugh at the DFR's though because each one thinks their religion is the best one. Here's a board member of the FRC and his view on the Pope.
- But FRC board member Albert Mohler, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has made several public anti-Catholic statements. During a March 22, 2000, appearance on CNN's Larry King Live, for example, Mohler asserted, "As an evangelical, I believe the Roman church is a false church and it teaches a false gospel. I believe the pope himself holds a false and unbiblical office."
Continuing on his anti-Catholic theme, Mohler wrote in a September 16, 2006, entry on his personal blog, "[T]he office [the pope] holds is an unbiblical institution based in a monarchical ministry that is incompatible with the New Testament's vision of the church. Furthermore, he claims also to be a head of state -- a situation that adds untold layers of additional confusion."
What should Donohue say about that? Nothing. He speaks at their functions as they laugh at his faith---while he sends out vile missives attacking people. C&L readers know that I speak out against the extreme religious right leaders, the people who raise millions of dollars and want the US of A to be run by their interpretation of the bible. That's not what this country was founded on and I reject it...