All three are currently on the first "most popular" page. You can vote for each one by going to this page and clicking the "I like this question" link below the question. Just do a search for "SilentPatriot" to easily find the first two, and "crooksandliars" to find the third.
by SilentPatriot on 05.01.2007 at 03:39 PM
Should the President have power to imprison U.S. citizens without charging them with a crime and without providing them a judicial forum in which they can contest the accusations against them, as the Bush administration did to American Jose Padilla?
by SilentPatriot on 05.01.2007 at 06:33 PMDo you think the process of waterboarding — where the U.S. takes prisoners, straps them to a chair, and pours water on their face so they are in terror of drowning to death — is a practice consistent with America's moral credibility in the world?
by on 05.01.2007 at 07:45 PM
A recent worldwide poll showed that under the Bush presidency, America has become the third most unpopular country in the world — right behind Iran and just ahead of North Korea. Why do you believe that has that happened?
Remember, this is just the preliminary round. On Thursday night during the debate we need to vote again for the finalists.
Paddy from Cliff Schecter's blog put up an action diary at DKos. Please recommend it if you can.