Now that Dems are moving forward with a plan to hold a no-confidence vote on Alberto Gonzales, how does the White House respond? With this nonsense. From Friday's gaggle:
Q: Would the White House consider a vote of no confidence to have any procedural impact at all, or would you consider it an empty political stunt?
FRATTO: I think we would consider it to be just another political stunt.
Q: Is it not important for the Attorney General to have the confidence of Congress?
FRATTO: It’s important for any public official to have as much confidence as he can garner. And that’s going to ebb and flow, but it will not ebb and flow with this President and this Attorney General.
Apparently, as far as the Bush gang is concerned, Gonzales can do no wrong. No matter what, Bush is on his side.
I'm afraid Dems are going to have to impeach Gonzales. He seems unwilling to resign, and the White House made a right turn at Crazy Town and are headed for Madness City.