Fox News' Neal Cavuto couldn't pass up the chance to host a fair and balanced discussion of the news that the FDA has recently approved the oral contraceptive Lybrel for use. Of course, in FoxWorld, "balance" means to pit a reasonable, fact-based representative of reproductive information and choice with a rapidly decompensating loony.
Now while the differentiating point of Lybrel is that women will no longer have any appearance of menstruation (because scientists will tell you that women don't have true menstruation while using birth control pills and any woman can tell you that 'the pill' has been used to suppress or otherwise manipulate menstruation for only oh...decades), I've watched the video several times and it appears that any and all birth control is an unacceptable choice for Leslee Unruh, which should not be surprising, considering her career. Obviously, that makes her a perfect person to discuss birth control options for Neal Cavuto and his producers. Poor NARAL spokesperson Mary Alice Carr, who could not disguise her own discomfort at being forced to share air time with someone whose best argument is that Big Pharma is playing God.
Big Pharma, here we go again, attack on children and families and on women. I want more babies. More babies. We love babies.
Um, yeah. Anyone else think that Neal Cavuto going directly to this pill allowing 12 and 13 year olds to have lots of sex without consequences a little creepy?
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