Glenn deconstructs Fred Thompson's -- and the mainstream media's -- grossly inaccurate and deliberately misleading caricature of the liberal blogosphere:
Ideas that were always previously so radical as to be unthinkable are now routinely identified as "mainstream conservatism." Conversely, political principles that have been such an integral part of America's political identity as to be unquestionable are now the hallmarks of "fringe liberalism" (a "fringe" which, as our last election demonstrated, now includes an ever-growing majority of the population). Those whose views of "bloggers" are based upon the caricatures of Time Magazine and The Washington Post would undoubtedly be shocked to learn of just how unremarkable is the Platform of Beliefs of the "Progressive Blogosphere" as articulated by one of its leading and most admired commentators. Read more...
If I could just add another point, we, the left, are in virtual lock step with "mainstream America" on nearly every single defining issue of the day. Whether it's Bush's job performance, the Iraq War, the impending war with Iran, the direction of the country, national health care, global warming, gun control, raising the minimum wage, stem cell research, and Darfur -- just to name a few --, progressive viewpoints are very much in line with the majority of Americans.
If there are any "fringe" elements in the blogosphere country, they certainly reside on the right, what with their mindless support for endless militarism, torture, indefinite detention and ever expanding executive power.