Even Brit Hume thought the VP's excuses were lame. William the Bloody Kristol tries to shield Cheney as usual...As long as we're bombing things in the Middle East, Kristol will defend Cheney's idiotic attempts to hide information using the argument that he's not part of the Executive branch. Juan Williams says:
Williams: ...Maybe they have a reason because he stopped complying with the law...emails disappear in this White House and you say well what happened to the emails---oh--no...we have a private account.....This is all a dodge, this is a game in order to I guess to keep Dick Cheney in some kind of a secured, undisclosed bunker of his mind...so that he he can't let the American people know what's going on with their government and how decisions are made...who's visiting his house....who's visiting his office...Scooter Libby is letting people know who is working for the CIA...
The panel laughs, but this is no joking matter....