John put up a couple of posts yesterday pointing to William Kristol's delusional OpEd, Why Bush Will Be A Winner at the Washington Post yesterday. Kristol writes at the beginning of his article:
I suppose I'll merely expose myself to harmless ridicule if I make the following assertion: George W. Bush's presidency will probably be a successful one.
Somehow, I don't think Mr. Kristol knew just how much harmless ridicule was headed his way, but The Post should have. As I write this there are some 124 PAGES of comments and after reading nearly 40 of them I could only find one or two individual posts that were supportive of him.
"Why is the Post printing anything by that idiot Kristol? Who's paying the Post to print this drivel?
"Criminy, kids hide your model sets Uncle Billy's been huffing airplane glue again."
"This piece was supposed to go in The Onion but missed their deadline."
"The 27% is slipping away from Bush and the GOP. Fortunately for Kristol, these are the goobers who buy the penis extension pills and baldness remedies advertised on Limbaugh's show. The point being that it doesn't take a lot to schnooker them.You really need to drug-test your contributors before printing delusional fantasies such as this."
"What bothers me most about Kristol's idiodic posting is that I encoutered it in th Washington Post. What are the standards? What would be too stupid to print in the Post?"
*Update: There are now 200 pages of comments and still, no love for Baghdad Bill...