When he's not crying on the House floor, Minority Leader John Boehner is leaking classified national security information.
When he's not praising Strom Thurmond or electrocuting goats, House Minority Whip Trent Lott is hyping terror threats and telling Washingtonians it "would be good to leave town in August."
When he's not contradicting Dick Cheney on the Edelman letter to Hillary Clinton claiming she "reinforces enemy propaganda," Robert Gates is contradicting President Bush on progress in Iraq.
When he's not applauding Hezbollah's health care system in Lebanon, Mitt Romney is getting beaten up by a New Hampshire waitress over his health care plan for America.
When he's not on vacation, President Bush gets Senate Democrats to cave on his FISA bill before they go on vacation.
When she's not advocating abstinence programs to fight AIDS in Africa, Laura Bush should be learning they don't work here at home.
The Round Up was guest-blogged this past week by Jon Perr from Perrspectives.