Download (h/t Scarce for vids)
Mitt Romney finally gave a speech to try and get people comfortable with his Mormon religion. I'd say that since Huckabee is rising in the polls, Romney got together with his split camp and delivered "the speech." I wonder if it will open up the flood gates of inquiry into what the LDS religious practices since most of the MSM has pretty much ignored it, but what I found interesting is how many times he actually invoked the word or a variation on the word "Mormon": Only once.
He also needs practice reading from a teleprompter because my first reaction to it was, he's reading a teleprompter. That being said, it was a hodgepodge of religious dogma that told the American people nothing about his religion except---you can't have freedom without religion---or something like that...
As Scarce noted in an email:
The real killer line (and ominous) is his
It's as if they are intent on establishing a new religion in America - the religion of secularism. They are wrong.
You godless commies know who you are...
Here's the text...I find only one mention of the word "Mormon" in it. Check it out...
And here are takes from Andrew Sullivan, PERRspectives, and Maha.
I have an infection in my throat so I'm not really blogging---Nicole is going to kill me---