The always hysterical Mr. Colbert hits another one out of the park with his "The Word," segment dealing with the fear-mongering Bush administration FISA battle. It's nice to see the writers back on their game.
Download (h/t the incredible Heather)
Colbert: The members of Donk-qaeda have used their House majority to block the renewal of the PAA. Which, as the name clearly states, empowers the NSA to tap your phones without a warrant. By not passing the PAA, the Demoncrats are placing in grave danger the safety of millions of innocent American dollars.
By using clips from classic horror movies like Silence of the Lambs, Nightmare on Elm Street and When a Stranger Calls, Colbert proves his point. The real purpose of the Protect America Act is actually to protect the Telecoms for participating in BushCo's illegal wiretapping endeavor by granting them retroactive immunity for violating our civil rights---Our Privacy. It all makes sense now. And don't pick up the phone!