I expect the RW Noise machine to do this sort of thing. Wolf correctly says in his lead in that:
Blitzer: Senator Obama is used to having his name mangled and his ties to the Muslim world questioned. But today it was literally in his face. At an "Associated Press" luncheon right here in Washington, Obama was asked a question about Osama bin Laden. Listen closely to how the questioner mispronounced the fugitive al Qaeda leader's name.
Download (h/t Heather)
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can you imagine shifting a substantial number of Afghanistan -- a substantial number to Afghanistan? For the Taliban has been gaining strength and Obama bin Laden (sic) is still at large.
OBAMA: I think that was Osama bin Laden.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I did that, I'm so sorry.
OBAMA: No, no, no. This is part of -- part of the -- part of the exercise that I've been going through over the last 15 months, which is why it's pretty impressive I'm still standing here.
He showed good humor, but you see how the machine has worked its magic?