Well, it worked for Jon Stewart and Crossfire...
An hour into the latest Democratic Debate and overwhelmingly, the consensus is that ABC is doing a fine job... of completely ignoring the issues that concern Americans and focusing on minutia that is hurting the race, the Democratic party and the American electoral process.
We've put together a mash up of some of the more egregious bits of the debate,
Download (h/t Heather)
And we thought you'd enjoy reading the reviews on ABC's site: (UPDATE #2: ABC has NOT shut down the comments. We were misinformed. Our apology. There are now well over 10,000 complaints, er...comments)
4,000 of them at this writing. Thanks to Heather for the screen grabs. What do you think? Take our poll below:
Want to make your voice known? ABC switchboard: 212-456-7777 or email here