Nice catch by Jason Linkins at HuffPo:
In today's New York Times' Caucus blog, Carl Hulse reports that House Republicans have got themselves a brand-new slogan:
It looks like Republicans will counter the Democratic push for change from the years of the Bush administration with their own pledge to deliver, drum roll please, "the change you deserve." [...]
What the GOP doesn't seem to realize, because they are idiots, is that "the change you deserve" is the registered advertising slogan of Effexor XR. ... also known as Venlafaxine, is approved for the treatment "of depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder in adults."
And if that wasn't funny enough for you, as Jason points out, the FDA took issue with the company over the Effexor ad "saying that the company made "unsubstantiated superiority claims.""
Why the GOP would ever think the slogan "the change you deserve" is going to work for them is beyond me. This is an election year when 22 of the 34 Senate races, 5 of which are open, are Republican, as are open House contests by more than 3 to 1 (26/8), not to mention the White House is occupied by the most unpopular President in our history. Good luck with that. Change is exactly what the people deserve. This has to rank right up there in GOP nescience-cum-hilarity apropos of everything right alongside their choice for the RNC Convention logo following Sen Larry Craig's toe tapping scandal.