Sydney is an incredible city to visit. I played there in 2003 and just loved it. OK, I'm just plugging the down under because it was an amazing trip, but it's not such a cool place for their ex-Prime Minister John Howard right now:
Meanwhile, the Australian Broadcast Corp. reported June 1 that a legal brief has been sent to the International Criminal Court alleging Howard committed a war crime by sending troops to Iraq. A loose alliance of peace activists, lawyers, academics and politicians is behind the brief, organized by the ICC Action Group, based in Melbourne.
An organizer, Glen Floyd, says Howard should be made accountable for sending troops to a war not sanctioned by the United Nations.
Howard, who led the country for 11 years and celebrated his friendship with President Bush, told the newspaper that the decision to send Australian troops to Iraq in 2003 was "very, very, very hard." But he stood by his choice, which he said helped further deepen Australia's alliance with the United on
Stay tuned...