Wow. A rare moment of candor from Joe Lieberman. When asked by Andrea Mitchell whether or not Sarah Palin is qualified to be President should something happen to John McCain, Lieberman offers perhaps the least convincing "endorsement" imaginable.
Mitchell: Do you feel Sarah Palin is qualified to be commander-in-chief if, God forbid, something should happen to John McCain?
Lieberman: Well, you know....let’s assume the best. John’s in great shape, he’s gonna be the president and let’s assume that nothing bad will happen. Why should we? But if it does…yes, she’ll be ready.
Let's assume McCain's health hold up, because if not, we're pretty much screwed when a person who admits they haven't really focused on the Iraq War (or virtually any other national issue) takes over.
This really goes to the heart of Palin's lack of qualifications to be Vice President. Putting aside her short and mediocre career as "hockey mom" and mayor of a town of 6,000 in Alaska, Palin has no documented opinions on any substantive matter. That alone should disqualify her. Couple that with her completely fabricated selling points -- like how she's a reformer who was against the bridge to nowhere, when in reality she's a former board member of indicted Sen. Ted Stevens' corporate 527 who was for the bridge before she was against it -- and her nomination ought to be laughed out of the national discourse. The funniest part of it all is that the GOP truly sees her as the future of the party. As a Democrat, I welcome that kind of future.