John McCain doesn't seem to be able to give a straight answer when Rob Caldwell, from WCSH in Portland, Maine pushes him on Palin's National Security creds. McCain tries to spin around it first by saying "the economy' is the most important issue. Didn't he once say HE knows nothing about the economy? And now he says she's the all time energy expert in the world which makes her Commander in Chief.
Download (h/t Scarce) (very rough transcripts)
McCain: The economy is the major challenge.
Q: You have said that the number one issue facing the US, and that is addressing the challenge of our time is Islamist extremism. What credentials does Gov Palin have in National Security, diplomacy, foreign policy that qualified her to be your partner on that issue...
McCain: Well, obviously the economy is a major challenge...
Q: No, I'm using your words Senator....
McCain: I said the greatest challenge of our time is national security threats and I've also said jobs and economy is the number one issue facing America so, but the point is that Gov. Palin is right on the issues. She understands energy which is one of the fundamental issues of our security....She was right on Iraq, she was right on Russia....
Q: You say you're sure she has experience, but again I'm just asking for an example. What experience does she have in the field of national experience.
McCain: Energy. She knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America..
She knows energy!... I didn't know that's all she needed to know about our national security...I guess as long as she agrees with McCain, that's all the experience she needs. Is anybody watching McCain? Sure, I'll cover his VP, but he's still running for President and he's stumbling around in the dark. He's the key! McCain represents four more years of BushCo. Conservatism is a failure. Look where we are.
McCain is clueless. Clueless about his v.p. No wonder the McCain campaign doesn't want McCain answering questions. He can't.
Nice work by Rob Caldwell. The McCain campaign thinks the local reporters will only throw softballs. Actually, it's the national reporters, like ABC's Charlie Gibson, who throw the softballs.
Marcy says: McCain Makes the Case that Energy State Governors Are Great on National Security
Adam chimes in with: McShameless McCain