Matthew Yglesias, posted one of the greatest and most horrible memos ever issued by Donald Rumsfeld twelve years ago during the Iraq War during the Battle of Baghdad that sounds like it came from the Doctor Strangelove movie script rather than the Secretary of Defense overseeing a war.
Titled "issues with various countries," it noted in passing that basically none of the Bush administration's foreign policy initiatives were working well, and asked Undersecretary of Defense Doug Feith to solve all the problems:

Donald is telling us that nothing is going right and if Feith doesn't come up with some answers and fast, their middle east plans are going up in smoke. And they did.
Whenever you see, hear or read about Dick Cheney attacking the Obama administration for their foreign policy decisions, just hold up this memo are say, STFU asshole.
The first time I recall seeing Feith's name was in a Salon expose a year later on the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans. Feith, described as "a case study in how not to run a large organization," and OSP stovepiped raw intelligence to Vice President Dick Cheney's office for use in building a public case for the Iraq invasion. Gen. Tommy Franks was less kind in his assessment of Feith.
Where are they now? Still waiting for the “sweets and flowers,” are they?