June 24, 2015

Taya Kyle, wife of Chris Kyle, a.k.a. American Sniper, was on the curvy couch this morning to promote her book, American Wife. Taya engaged with the hosts about her husband, sharing anecdotes of her late husband's bravery. Then the conversation turned to naming which clown in the clown car will she be endorsing, and she emphatically declared her support for former Texas Governor, Rick 'Oops' Perry.

Since Perry was in charge of "the world's twelfth largest economy," he has the necessary experience to lead the country. Using one of the Fox "News" racist dog whistles, Taya agrees that the current president lacks 'leadership' and experience in governance before ascending to the office of POTUS. What she likes about the Perry campaign, is that they haven't bossed her around and gave her talking points to regurgitate.

"One of the things I love about them (Rick and Anita Perry) is I realized, the other day I was thinking back, thinking, nobody's ever asked me what to say. Nobody's ever said that these are the talking points for the campaign, they just haven't, and I love that. To me that says, just speak from your heart, speak what you know. And I personally care about the character of the person leading this country. I personally don't think that's something we pay enough attention to. This man is humble enough to not be out bragging about what he's done.(?) He's successfully run a state that I love. I'm always baffled by, how do you run a country without without having run a state?

Doocy sarcastically interjects,

"Not running anything in some cases *wink *wink."

Catching his drift, she plays along,

"I don't know what you're referring to. But I do know that there are cases where that's happened... He's just a humble good man, he answers to a 'higher power.'

Apparently, Taya was swayed by Rick Perry's prayer-a-rama where he assembled thousands in a Houston stadium to pray for America and pray for rain. He has a very hard time separating his 'faith' from government.

Mr. Perry said he had no problem ignoring the Supreme Court’s landmark 1962 ruling that barred organized prayer in public schools.

Rick Perry was governor of the state of Texas for 14 years, and during his tenure, 21% of Texans did not have health insurance. In a state with the worst rates of uninsured citizens, even after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Fox News' Chris Wallace asked Perry,

"As the governor for 14 years, don't you feel some responsibility when 21 percent of the people in your state didn't have health insurance?"

"But that's not how we keep score," Perry insisted. "I think it's a fallacy to say access to health care is all about insurance. What we happen to say in the state of Texas is we're going to try to make it as accessible as we can, good quality health care.

In addition to a high percentage of uninsured citizens, Draconian abortion restrictions and child poverty, Texas also ranks near the bottom in educating its residents.

Texas ranked 36th in 2010 for per-student education spending, below California (34th) and New Mexico (18th), according to the National Education Association, a labor union that represents teachers.

Of course Perry and his wife will be more than gracious to this famous spouse of someone who advocated everything the GOP adores: killing brown people, guns and gawd. Her public battle with Jesse Ventura only adds to her appeal to Perry, as he can be viewed as the good guy, or better yet, the savior. Perhaps Taya Kyle has been brainwashed to believe that gawd hates President Obama and Rick Perry is really 'a good guy.' Maybe she's cognizant of her racism and has adopted her husband's position,

“I hate the damn savages”—talking about the Iraqis.

Far from being an exemplary "American Wife," Taya Kyle is willfully ignorant, identifying with the party who wants to destroy government. Or she's the other type of Republican, who believes that since she's come into a lot of money, government exists to protect her fortune at the expense of the poor. Either way, she's on the wrong side of history.

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