December 28, 2022

A former aide to Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Cassidy Hutchinson, has been dishing out the dirt on the ex-president and her boss. Jessica Schneider discussed the latest drop of Jan. 6 transcripts, which looks pretty bad for Meadows. She said that Hutchinson alleged she saw Meadows routinely burning documents in a fireplace.

"We have all the transcripts from Cassidy Hutchinson," Schneider said. "We're learning more details, particularly how she told the committee how she saw Chief of Staff Mark Meadows burning documents in his office fireplace around a dozen times, which she says amounted to once or twice a week between December 2020 and January 2021. She says at least twice she saw Meadows burning documents after he had meetings with Republican Congressman Scott Perry, who, in fact, was subpoenaed by the committee but never complied."

"She said, in particular, Mark Meadows brought up the conspiracy theories," Schneider continued. "Cassidy Hutchinson said she had this exchange with White House trade adviser Peter Navarro. She said, at one point, 'I had sarcastically said, is this from your QAnon friends, Peter? He said, have you looked into it yet, Cass? I think they point out a lot of good ideas. Make sure that you read this.' When she was asked by Liz Cheney if Navarro was being sarcastic, Hutchinson said, 'I did not take it as sarcasm.'"

"Of course, Peter Navarro has been indicted for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the committee," she added. "Those are just some of the details we're getting from this voluminous testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson."

Meadows has other self-inflicted problems barreling down on him. The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation said it has submitted to state prosecutors the findings of its voter fraud probe into Meadows, who was simultaneously registered to vote in North Carolina and two other states earlier this year, the AP reported. He gave a fake address of a mobile home, and he has subsequently been removed from the state's voter rolls.

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