Democrats are going to need to recognize that there are real limits to the current urgings of "bipartisanship." Because the fanatical right has no intention of dealing with Obama in good faith.
Exhibit A: Michael Reagan:
EXPOSE LIBERAL CORRUPTION -- With the Democrats back in power in both Congress and the White House, you KNOW that they'll be falling right back into their habits of taking lobbyists' money under the table, trading votes for campaign contributions, spying on and sabotaging Republican legislative plans, covering up their leaders' sexual "flings," and spending taxpayer money on personal expenses like never before. But this time, YOU AND I will be there every step of the way, making sure that no stone is left unturned, every dark corner is filled with light, and every illegal act is paid for with censure, impeachment, recalls, investigations, and jail time for every criminal we expose in Washington, D.C.
Reagan is basically giving the playbook for the conservative movement, which is to kick up dust, accuse everyone associated with Obama of sexual misconduct, personal corruption, pay-to-play politics, and lobbyist ties, and then call for impeachments and investigations. And this isn't some loon. Reagan's not only the (adopted) son of a former President, he's a conservative pundit with, well probably not a million listeners but a good number. And he's a well-received citizen of the DC establishment, taking the blame the media narrative to an remarkably audacious level. Though he's called CNN the Terrorist News Network, Reagan appeared on Larry King as recently as October to appear opposite Robert Kennedy Jr, and he has refused to appear on MSNBC because he claims he receives death threats, or so he said at an exclusive party for television industry executives at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
He's also the guy who went on the air a few months ago and said this:
There is a group that's sending letters to our troops in Iraq ... claiming 9/11 was an inside job -- oh, yeah, yeah -- and that they should rethink why they're fighting. Who -- we ought to -- excuse me, folks, I'm going to say this: We ought to find the people who are doing this, take them out and shoot them.
Really. Just find the people who are sending those letters to our troops to demoralize our troops and do what they are doing, you take them out, they are traitors to our country, and shoot them. You have a problem with that, deal with it. But anyone who would do that doesn't deserve to live. You shoot them. You call them traitors -- that's what they are -- and you shoot them dead. I'll pay for the bullet.
It will be instructive indeed to observe who goes marching off with Reagan on his quest for ignominous irrelevance.