From Race to the White House Oct. 27, 2008. David Gregory asks senior McCain advisor Nicolle Wallace about whether Sarah Palin has been a drag on the ticket or not and this is her response.
Wallace: Well look the voters are going to make their choice. And I think in a week they're going to look at one ticket which ah, you know certainly at the top of the ticket you have the most liberal person ever to be nominated by the Democratic party and you have a running mate who's guaranteeing America and Americans that, that President, President Obama if he should win will be tested by the world. And that is certainly on the menu. If someone wants their wealth to be redistributed. If they believe success should be taken from those who achieve the American dream and handed out to others. That is on the menu. On the other side...
Gregory: But he's also going to tax, part of his plan is to reduce taxes for 95% of those paying. So he does raise them on the top earners but he also is cutting.
Wallace: Listen David even that has been revealed to be, to be not exactly what Barack Obama describes it as. To say you're going to give 95% of Americans tax relief. The, only 60% of those people pay taxes.
(Update)..Our own Jon Perr adds:
In regurgitating the now-tired McCain talking point, Wallace conveniently ignores the payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare paid by virtually all American workers starting with the first dollar they earn. More duplicitous still, Wallace happily forgets to mention that many working families pay no income taxes thanks to the Earned Income Tax Credit long supported by leaders in both parties, including Ronald Reagan and his self-proclaimed “foot soldier,” John McCain.
Jon has more on that here: McCain Blasts Reagan, Self as Socialist