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Mittens is in!
Shep Smith reminds his FOX audience that Mitt is a Mormon who implemented his own version of health care.
Mitt Romney is running for President. Whooo. ... You know Mitt Romney, he was up there in Massachusetts, he started the Massachusetts health care plan that everybody’s attacking him for now because the rest of the country has one so much like it. He’s had a hard time with that. He’s Mormon, so that’s going to be an issue, just like religion always gets in the way of something.
Wow, I forgot Mitt was a Mormon.
How awesome is he? Romney uses Youtube to show us how hip he is with all that newfangled stuff.
Mitt Romney has thrown his hat in the ring with a YouTube video announcing the formation of an exploratory committee for a 2012 presidential bid.
And he's so fresh that he's using an old John Kerry bus tour slogan.
Politico also noted, via email from a Democrat, that Romney's slogan, "Believe in America" was actually the name of John Kerry's August 2004 bus tour.
Think Progress even posted a photo of the Kerry bus on Twitter.

RomneyCare turns five and that's something the Tea Party can celebrate with the Dems.
Five years ago tomorrow, Mitt Romney signed into law a health care reform package in Massachusetts that White House officials have credited as being an inspiration for President Obama's health care law. It's a date that Romney, who has distanced himself from the bill, is not likely to commemorate, but Democrats are celebrating for him.
In Massachusetts, the state Democratic Party is holding a party Tuesday to mark the occasion, which will feature a "Thank You Mitt Romney" cake. Meanwhile, in neighboring New Hampshire, Democratic officials are urging supporters to sign e-mail petitions and post messages to Romney on Twitter to "thank him" for his leadership on health care.