Digby has been following the Conservative Illuminati as they do their best to try and smear Obama with Blagojevich.
Today on MSNBC, Shuster had on Pat Buchanan who said that Obama reacted "abnormally" to the Blagojevich news and failed to disclose which of his aides may have spoken to the Governor about his seat. Harold Ford very ineffectually defended Obama.
Buchanan replied:
Let me tell you, the problem is not that Rahm Emmanuel or Axelrod are involved in some deal.It is that they may be "tainted" by the fact that they talked to a Governor who is trolling and selling his Senate seat. They may have talked to him and if they did, they are supposed to report that to the US Attorney. Let me tell you Harold, a lot of my friends in the Nixon white house didn't do a thing when some guy came running in saying our guys just got caught breaking in and they didn't do anything with it.
It's politics as scandal theatre, where Obama is judged by his performance on opening night. You can see by the energy and excitement among the gasbags that they want nothing more than to wallow in this thing as long as they can.
The Media are doing their very best to smear Obama and make ridiculous accusations and conclusions when Fitzgerald did not.
The Politico's awkward attemp to hype the Blago/Obama drama
The WSJ's awkward attempt to hype the Blago/Obama "ties"
Bob Cesca has found the word of the day.